Florida Department of Juvenile Justice - Office of Legislative Affairs

Welcome to the blog dedicated to the Legislative Affairs Office for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. We will post relevant information as it relates to Florida's Legislature and the Department of Juvenile Justice.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Legislation Impacting the Department of Juvenile Justice - HB 989

Yesterday, Governor Crist approved HB 989 - Relating to Crime Victims.

CS/HB 989 – Crime Victims
By Safety & Security Council; Snyder and others
Identical or Similar Bills: CS/CS/SB 642
Committee(s) of Reference: Safety & Security Council; Homeland Security &
Public Safety; Policy & Budget Council

This bill expands the rights and services for victims of sexual offenses, including sexual battery and lewd or lascivious offenses. The bill expands the rights and services for victims of sexual offenses as follows:

· Allows a victim advocate to be present (at a sexual offense victim’s request) during the forensic medical exam;

· Provides that a criminal justice official (law enforcement officer, prosecuting attorney, or other government official) may not ask for or require a lie detector test to be taken by a victim before a law enforcement agency will investigate a sexual offense allegation;

· Requires the court to order prescribed defendants to undergo an HIV test within 48 hours after the court orders such testing.

This bill was signed into law on June 12, 2007, by the Governor, Ch. 2006-, L.O.F. These provisions take effect July 1, 2007.
Vote: Senate 38-0; House 113-0